A Capacity Development Training for Don Bosco Chennai Region

Bosconet, the network of 11 Don Bosco Planning and Development Offices (PDOs) across India, continues to play a crucial role in enhancing the capacity of its partner organisations in various skill domains. Among its core responsibilities is the commitment to empower constituent partners through continuous skill development.

The commencement of the Write for Good 2023 - Workshop on proposal writing, a transformative four-day event took place from 10 to 13th April 2024. The workshop, aimed at honing participants' skills in development project proposal writing, was hosted at Don Bosco Provincial House, CITADAL, in Chennai.

Drawing the participation of 15 dedicated Salesians, province staff, and sisters from across the Don Bosco Chennai province, the event was led by Mr. Louis Manohar as the resource person.

The proceedings commenced with a warm welcome from Fr. Joseph Leo, Director of SURABI, Chennai, followed by an inaugural speech by Fr. Don Bosco, L, the Provincial of Don Bosco Chennai Province. Fr. Edwin Vasanth, Economer, Don Bosco Chennai Province, also delivered a special address, setting the stage for the workshop's focus on technicalities in writing effective proposals for community development projects.

This program was a practical, hands-on workshop focused on the technicalities of writing effective proposals for community development projects. Its primary aim was to equip the Salesians and collaborators with the essential skills necessary for creating impactful community development project proposals, thereby enabling positive transformations in the communities.

The 4-day exercise-intensive workshop was concluded on 13 April 2024 with the distribution of certificates by Mr. Christoph, Project Manager, Don Bosco Mondo who also gave a special address on the expectations of International donors. Fr. Santhanam, Director, Bosconet delivered closing remarks.

This collaborative endeavour, supported by the Don Bosco Mission in Bonn and Misiones Salesianas in Madrid, is made possible through the joint efforts of BOSCONET, and Don Bosco Provincial House, CITADAL, in Chennai.

The successful completion of the workshop in the Chennai region underscores BOSCONET's commitment to empowering its partners with essential skills for impactful community development.

Our Network

Bosconet- Don Bosco Network, through its 11 Regional Offices, and 350+ NGOs integrates efforts for the most vulnerable, reaching over 1.5 million lives every year, across 28 states in India




Million+ Annual Reach of the Network

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